The ease of owning and managing a condominium has made it a very popular choice among house hunters. An important part of the process of buying, selling, or building a condominium is the condominium survey report. It is essential for all the legal processes or paperwork, such as applying for building permits. The survey delineates the limits of ownership, both for each unit and also the shared ownership within the condominium association. It also states if the construction is a new one or the conversion of an existing building. Condominium surveys are governed by the Condominium Property Act and indicate the actual field measurements and dimensions. So, if you are planning to buy a condominium, a survey report helps you verify the allocated spaces. You can even check whether common elements, such as roof decks, are marked in the condominium plan as a common space or as an assigned space. Our team of land surveyors at Alberta Geomatics has been providing condominium surveys and real property reports for over 16 years.
The design of a condominium or a condo is such that it doesn’t entail a lot of upkeep. It is a convenient solution to those who might feel anxious by the thought of managing a house as well as a yard. A condominium or a condo provides a convenient solution to these concerns as you just need to take care of the interior of your own unit. There are no worries about mowing lawns or clearing snow. A professional management company or a homeowner’s association typically manages the common areas, such as the pools, elevators, and hallways. A condominium survey helps to effectively divide ownership of units within a building.
Types of Condominiums
Condominiums can be of two types:
Bare Land Condos - In a bare land condominium, the actual plot of land is equally distributed among the condominium owners. It may look like your typical neighbourhood of single-family homes or duplexes.
Conventional Condo - In a conventional condo, the spaces of individual ownership and common property are distinctly demarcated. Each unit’s boundaries are defined by the walls, floors and ceilings. The common property is accessible and shared by all.
The main difference between them lies in the division of ownership. A real property report, which is a part of the condominium survey, shows the ownership of each member and is a legal report prepared by a qualified Alberta Land Surveyor.
Importance of a Professional Surveyor
If you are planning to construct a condo, you have to carefully manage the project timelines and understand all associated risks. The first step is to get all your documents ready and get it reviewed by the local planning department. You should also get your condominium plan registered at the Land Titles Office. This plan must show all the natural and man-made features. All units must be numbered and floor plans should be clear. You will require a construction survey after you receive your building and development permits. Various control surveys might monitor your progress to ensure no surrounding buildings or environment is negatively impacted by construction. A professional surveyor will ensure you avoid errors at this stage as this might delay your project.
Let Us Help
Several complexities are involved in constructing or buying a condominium and many of these are unique as several rules do not apply to the construction of a building for a sole owner. It is crucial to choose a surveyor who specializes in condo surveys. You can then avoid potential pitfalls and gain strategic insight into government legislation and the Condominium Property Act and Regulations. Contact us for surveys for all types of properties and for applications such as construction, leases, and renovations.